Saturday, May 18, 2013

Dubrovnik arrival

We arrived at our accommodation in Dubrovnik in pretty good shape about 30 hours and four flights after taking off in Melbourne.

The Croatian coast looked amazing from the air as we flew down towards Dubrovnik. Very rugged, a complete contrast to the green patchwork lushness we saw as we flew out of Munich. Can't wait to see more of it up close.

Boarding the plane for the last flight in Munich we were very pleased to see our bike boxes, looking pretty intact, about to be loaded. I took a photo of them from our seat on the plane, then saw the trolley they were on drive towards the front of the plane, presumably to load them on the other side. Wrong.

After waiting for all the luggage to appear in Dubrovnik, and no bike boxes appearing, we made enquiries. The helpful lady at the lost luggage desk quickly determined that they were still in Munich, and would be following us to Dubrovnik via Frankfurt later.

Fortunately we have all we need for a few days in our carry-on bags, and the bike boxes will be delivered in the morning. Fingers crossed.

Staying at Old City Apartments. Very nice newly renovated two room apartment only a few steps from the Pile Gate in a lovely quiet spot with a gorgeous view of a rocky little cove. Perfect temperature, sound of the waves through the windows, about 20 metres from the water of the Adriatic.

The kayak and city wall photo is taken from the end of the little jetty you can see from our window.
That's Tracey in the window of our apartment on the top floor.

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