Monday, May 27, 2013

Plitvice to Rovinj

After breakfast at Villa Lika we checked out and drove the 2km to the national park entrance. Starting before 9am we got a fair way into our circuit of the lakes before the crowds arrived.
The lakes, waterfalls and forest are beautiful.
After a light lunch at the park we headed for Rovinj, about 280km away. The first part of the drive was very slow going but very scenic. We eventually made or way to the freeways, which require a toll but are well worth it and include many impressive bridges and tunnels.
We called in to Opatija hoping for coffee and cake, but failing to find cake drove on.


  1. Some of the scenery looks like something out of a fairy story. Why is the water over there so vividly green??

  2. Wow! The scenery really IS amazing! Pam

  3. It its truly beautiful especially from an Australian perspective. The green colors come from the limestone the whole region sits on.
