Saturday, May 25, 2013

Hvar to Split

Even though our ferry didn't leave Stari Grad until 11.30, we were on the road before 9.30 to avoid traffic heading to the catch the same ferry. Being Saturday also helped because the traffic was much lighter than on the outward trip. The first 11km of our ride today consisted of the climb up to the tunnel through the mountain top. The steep pitches started before we had left our street and continued right up to the tunnel, maxing out at 11%. After that it was all downhill. Coffee at the ferry terminal and a pleasant 2 hour punt along the Adriatic brought us to Split. We checked in to our hostel and enjoyed lunch at the nearby restaurant Toc- a typical Croatian affair with fresh, cheap and generous servings.
We spent the afternoon exploring Diocletians Palace and the 'Riva', the promenade along the waterfront. Ancient buildings intertwine with modern and both tourists and locals mingle people-watching, strolling, shopping and, of course, drinking all sorts of beverages at the many outdoor cafes.
In the palace basement we viewed an exhibition of award winning press photography from around the world.
Our hostel is just a short walk from the ferry terminal, the Palace, and the hire car office.

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