Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Rovinj to Motovun - back on the bikes

Cool air, tailwind, sunshine and some nice climbs. 49km and about 640m of climbing.
The road out of town was fairly busy until we turned north. We then descended to sea level and climbed back out of the Limske Canal.
Stopped for coffee at Sv Lovrec, a lovely quiet old village with good coffee.
As we approached our destination for the day the views of Motovun were amazing.
A day that reminded us very much of riding through Tuscany in the springtime.
As we turned towards the town we passed a sign indicating a 12% slope. The last 300m was walking uphill on very rough cobble stones to Villa Borga, a lovely old b&b right at the top of the hill.
The views from Motovun are breathtaking, especially with a few cold beers. We had a delicious meal at Mondo Restaurant, finishing with chocolate souffle.

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