Sunday, May 19, 2013


First task today was to phone the airport to confirm that our bikes had arrived, and they had. So far so good. Lost luggage tells us  they will phone us when they are about to be delivered. Our apartment is in a pedestrian only street, and we will need to meet the delivery vehicle up near Pile Gate.
Expecting delivery at about 8.30, and hearing nothing by about 9.00, we phoned lost luggage. The boxes have been delivered. To who? Where?
Instead of phoning us they had phoned the number they got from the booking confirmation we had showed them.
To cut a long story short we eventually found our bike boxes, one of them upside down with the bottom open, sitting in the open outside the office at a public parking station about a kilometer walk from our apartment.
We then took them, by bus, ignoring the bus driver's protestations (Tracey distracted him while I lifted them in the back door, but he wasn't too serious and gave in easily), to the left luggage room at the main bus terminal, where we will catch the early bus to Mostar tomorrow.
This afternoon we walked around the top of the old city walls, which we agree is a must-do for a visit to Dubrovnik.


  1. Bloody hell... good effort. Amazing you still actually have bikes!

    1. Hi mate. Even more amazing that we were able to put them together and ride off without a hitch.

  2. Oh, what a story! Great start ..... But the weather - hey, can you send some OUR way here in the UK? Pam
