Sunday, May 26, 2013

Split to Plitvice

Each night I have to store some medicine in a fridge & refreeze two freezer packs that insulate the medicine in the travel pack. The freezer packs fit exactly into two pockets on each side of the travel pack. In Split I had no alternative but to store them in a communal fridge. Although this was worrisome, I reasoned that the medicine was pretty obviously of absolutely no value to anybody else, so I risked it. Mistake. Medicine was fine but some b!@!!@*!  had helped himself to the freezer packs. After contacting local pharmacies without luck, I asked the very nice lady who ran the hostel if she could do a quick scan of the rooms. Third room in- bingo. The bloke even initially claimed it was his - bloody hide.
In the mean time Pat had picked up the hire car keys from around the corner, and we loaded our bikes and luggage and headed off.
We took a slight detour for a look at Trogir, where we got caught in a downpour. The drive up to Plitvice Lakes was very scenic. The weather is unseasonably cold and wet. It had cleared up before we arrived at Plitvice, and we are hoping for some sunshine for our visit to the national park in the morning.

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