Monday, May 20, 2013

Dubrovnik to Mostar

Catching the 8.00am bus to Mostar today. Our bodies not yet fully adjusted, the early rise was no problem. Saw the time at 3, 4, 5, and up at 6.
Got the bikes, still in their boxes (would have had no hope otherwise) on the bus without any problems. Cost an extra 16 kuna ($2.68).
Very scenic drive up the coast, stopping briefly twice to cross into and back out of Bosnia. Stopped for about half an hour at the third crossing into Bosnia.
Arrived at the bus terminal in Mostar about midday and unboxed and assembled our bikes, which took about half an hour. The bikes survived the trip ok. Our first ride was about 800m to our accommodation.
Staying tonight at Villa Park, very nice room with a balcony overlooking the river. Security is high, with a locked front gate and locked front door. When we arrived we had to phone to be let in.
Walked down to the old city and Stari Most, having a kebab for lunch on the way.
Bombed out buildings, mosques, bullet holes, colorful shops, huge cross on top of hill overlooking town, lots of cafes that don't sell food.
After an afternoon nap (still a bit jetlagged) we went looking for dinner and ended up at  Konoba Avlija, a courtyard restaurant behind some shops. Tracey was adventurous, having Grah on the young waiter's recommendation, and which he described as "cooked food, fresh". I had a very nice whole fish. Dinner and a beer cost 21 BAM ($14).
Bikes ready, panniers packed, looking forward to riding tomorrow, although Tracey is a bit worried about the roads and traffic.
Will post some photos when we have a better internet connection. Sleep now, it's 6.15am Aussie time.

1 comment:

  1. Great photos! Some quite beautiful vistas. That water is amazing.

    I'm quite jealous of your shorts. Bloody cold here.
