Sunday, June 9, 2013

Bad Wimpfen / Bad Wimpfen to Eberbach

8th & 9th June
The usual lovely breakfast & we were out the door to meet  our fellow travelers for a walking tour of Bad Wimpfen.
We enjoyed a knowledgeable and interesting commentary from our guide, an English girl. Being Saturday the town and its folk were in full medieval festival mode. After the tour we spread out through the town to indulge in various delicacies - we chose tea and scones with clotted cream.
We were due to board the boat at 4pm & at some stage during the day the news spread that our boat, the MS Patria,  had arrived in port, much to everyone's relief. (The previous tour had spent the week in Maintz, doing day rides - due to floods).
A few quiet ales in the serene courtyard of our very accommodating b&b & it was time to load the bikes and roll onto the Patria.
Our first meal aboard  was a 4 course affair & blinded ark for the coming week.

9th June
Rainy! Many chose to stay on board but Pat's trusty rain radar (thank you to Mike Rebbechi for the internet access) indicated it would clear within half  an hour. Pam. Andrew, Pat & I set off to find a cafe to let the rain pass. The plan worked superbly & we enjoyed a lovely days ride through forests and vineyards to Eberbach, where a fair percentage of the riders downed a well-earned beer or three in the eberbach city square.

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