Friday, June 14, 2013

Mainz to Koblenz

Beautiful weather today! Tracey took her last opportunity to have an RDO and stayed on the boat to catch up with some housekeeping and watch the Rhine go by. Meanwhile, Pat, Charles & Marie had a nice ride to Bingen along the left side of the river, about 35km. There was some water over the path in places, a kilometer or two of unsealed muddy path, and a detour or two, but no real problems. After coffee at Bingen I (Pat) stuck to my plan of riding on to the ferry at Niederheimbach, crossing on the ferry, and riding back on the other side to catch the ferry at Rudesheim, a good fast 25km. Pat arrived back on the boat just on sailing time, at 1pm. The next 3 hours everyone sat on deck & enjoyed a beer & the beautiful views along the Rhine - castles, vineyards & the toy story quality of the trains, boats & perfect little towns. Arriving in Koblenz at 4, we headed immediately for the train station to buy tickets to go to Luxembourg City the next day. We passed some of Koblenz's beautiful old buildings on the way. We had to be back & dressed for the captains dinner at 6. After dinner, Anne entertained us in the saloon with some beautiful, sexy singing and everybody hit the dance floor - a fun night & a fitting end to a midst enjoyable week.

1 comment:

  1. Ah you got the lovely sunset photo! It was beautiful wasn't it? Might ask you for your photo for MY album! This is a great shot. Pam
