Monday, June 3, 2013

Ljubljana to Lake Bohinj - Wow

Champagne riding today. We were heading for the Julian Alps region, and it was great to see blue sky first thing through our window. Well, our hopes for a beautiful ride were well and truly fulfilled. Our route took us out of Ljubljana then up a beautiful mountain valley, gradually increasing in grade to a small pass, then a short sharp descent to Podbrdo, where we took a 10 minute train ride through a tunnel to Lake Bohinj.
The exit from the city was very easy, following the very good on-footpath bike paths. Once we left Ljubljana we had to share the road with peak-hour traffic for a while, but things soon settled down.
It was a cool, still morning with blue sky and scattered cloud, perfect riding weather. After about 40km we stopped at Zelezniki for coffee and bought some rolls for lunch. After Zelezniki the valley was narrow, steep-sided and just breathtakingly beautiful.
We reached the railway station 15 minutes before the next train - perfect timing.
The train consists of a little old engine, then a long open section for cars and trucks, and a single carriage on the back for us.
After the train ride through the mountain a short ride brought us to our hotel. As far as we can tell we are the only guests. The unseasonal lousy weather has had an impact and the place is very quiet and peaceful.
(Once we were on the secondary roads we followed a gravely babbling little creek all the way up to the pass. It had little waterfalls& reservoirs in the villages and in many places theses villages were set against the backdrop of snow-capped mountains). I am writing this while pat is in the shower. It is an unauthorised post. He has gotten very possessive with my tab.


  1. Loving all the photos! I'm pretty jealous though :)

    Certainly looks like champagne riding... nice roads, super green countryside, steep valley walls, babbling streams, quaint towns, and cafes with ridiculous views.

    Can't ask for much more.

  2. Wow indeed. Your traves are followingbpretty much our planned itinerarty in Sept. we'll have much to discuss! Pam
