Saturday, June 15, 2013

Luxembourg to Vianden

We had decide to catch a train from Luxembourg city to Wasserbillig, where the Sauer River runs into the Moselle, and ride up the Sauer to Vianden. You can catch a train anywhere within Luxembourg for two euro, and bikes are free.
The bike paths in Luxembourg are fantastic, with the standard construction being three metre wide hotmix. We followed the river path to Echternach, where there was a music and multicultural festival happening.
At Echternach we left the river and did a bit of a loop though some beautiful forest, before returning to Echternach and continuing to Vianden.
After Wallendorf the last section was a bit hilly, especially when we took a wrong turn and found some extremely steep little climbs.
Vianden has an amazing castle on a hill overlooking the town. We could see the castle straight out our hotel window.

The view from our hotel window in Vianden.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it's amazing how - when you make a wrong turn - it's nearly always up a hill (when you are on a bike) ... Pam
