Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Vianden to La Roche

 Our plan for the day was to ride to the nearest railway station at Diekirch and catch the train to Wiltz, then ride from there into Belgium to Bastogne and possibly beyond. We checked the train timetables, and guessed that it was about 20km to the station.
We were a bit late getting away and as a result had a pretty good workout riding over the hills to Diekirch. On the way to the station we spotted a restaurant called Eselsstiffchen with a donkey on the sign. Fortunately we had overestimated the distance and made it to the train with time to spare.
After the very pleasant train ride to Wiltz, we resumed our ride.
The bike route from Wiltz to the Belgian border is a rail trail, constructed to the Luxembourg standard of beautiful smooth hotmix, 3 metres wide and even wider in the tunnels, which are all lighted. The route passes through beautiful remote forest, gently climbing most of the way, and is some of the nicest riding you could do.
After we crossed the border into Belgium the bike path continued and was quite good. We had lunch in the main square in Bastogne and decided to continue on to La Roche en Ardenne. We got some advice on the route from a Dutch cycle touring couple who had just ridden from La Roche.
We had left the rail trail behind, and were now riding over the rolling hills of the Ardenne.
Riding mostly on quiet roads through farmland and forests, there were a few good climbs. 
The highlight was the final descent through forest to La Roche.

Typical Luxembourg bike path.
A warning in French that it is darker in the tunnel.
An idyllic scene just after we crossed into Belgium.
The Belgians have not forgotten who saved them in WWII.
Sometimes you just have to stop and take a photo.

1 comment:

  1. Wow the riding looks wonderful - might have to add this to the list! Pam
