Monday, June 24, 2013

Burgh-Haamstede to Delft

We woke up to a cold rainy day. Over breakfast we discussed possible routes with our hosts, then donned the raincoats and set off in light rain.
We initially followed the signed bike route until it turned into unsealed mud puddles, then we followed the GPS for a while.
The bike paths are generally pretty good, but there are so many of them we ended up having to stop frequently to check our navigation.
The day stayed cold and wet. A number of times roadworks blocked the bike routes and we had to find detours.
There was one particularly unpleasant stretch where we were riding along a water-covered road on a seawall for some kilometers with a strong crosswind blowing all the water coming from our front wheels straight into our right shoes.
We finally arrived at the centre of Delft at nearly 5, and found that the tourist info centre, where we were planning to find some accommodation, had closed at 4.
A helpful shopkeeper directed us to a nice hotel nearby, right across the street and canal from the "new church" (only about 700 years old). Our very nice room was on two levels, with the bathroom downstairs, and the bedroom at the top of the typically steep stairs.
After settling in to our room I (Pat) went to find some food, and got some very tasty noodles at the Daily Wok.
After dinner I went for another wander around town. Delft is a lovely small city, with the old central part having a small canal running along the middle of many of the streets.
Just checked the forecast, doesn't look great but at least it should be a bit warmer tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. The weather!!! Amazing in Europe this year, heh?? What a day! Pam
