Monday, June 10, 2013

Eberbach to Heidelberg

An overcast day with intermittent rain showers. However, the ride to Heidelberg was very picturesque, with lots of castles on the sides of the valley and some very pleasant sections through forest. Although we ended up pretty muddy from some unsealed sections of the route, we managed to stay fairly dry, luckily riding through thick forest when the heaviest shower happened. Riding over the Old Bridge at Heidelberg we returned to part of our 2011 route when we rode down the Rhine from Switzerland. Given the amount of train and mud we had encountered so far, we found a bike shop and bought some mudguards for our bikes. After getting cleaned up on the boat we had a guided tour to the castle and the Apotheken (pharmacy) Museum. That evening I (Pat) easily fitted the mudguards to the Mongoose, but Tracey's bike was much more difficult, and her set went back to the shop in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. That strudel was the best! Good photos of the bridge in Heidelberg! Pam
